Friday, October 2, 2009

Baby Gadgets, Baby Laughter

Feeling a bit oppressed today by the plethora of devices to keep baby entertained--exersaucers, jumperoos, activity centers, even the garden-variety swings. Almost all of them are too big, too plasticky and are used only a few months by the baby, or even less time than that. Nevertheless, I did buy a low-tech swing for him back when he was much younger (he's long since outgrown it) and I just purchased, online, a very simple doorway jumper for him. I think that will be my limit in terms of the jumping/activity gadgets I buy for him.

Today I spent a minute or two bouncing him up and down on a large pillow--big delighted laughs from him. Not too surprising, of course; but last night at an exhausted moment after dinner, and partly in continuation of something I'd been saying to my husband, I leaned into the baby's playpen and said, in a cheerful voice, "The things we do for you!" while shaking a musical toy of his. To my surprise, the baby laughed. I kept it up, shaking the toy and smiling and repeating, "The things we do for you!" in a rhythmic chant. The baby laughed each time I did it. Then this evening--he laughed like a maniac when I was saying something equally uninteresting and grumpy-sounding. My husband and I shake our heads at each other when these outbursts of merriment arrive; I think we're both realizing that our baby has a perfect understanding of the meaning of life, something mystics and gurus spend years trying to figure out.

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