Monday, October 5, 2009

Having Time

Mothers often gripe about how little time they have. But every situation is so different--some mothers are paired with terrific, helpful partners; some mothers have full-time nannies; some mothers have no help at all, and cannot afford to purchase any--some mothers are single and working full-time--that it seems impossible to have a tension-free conversation with another mother about how much or little time we actually have.

"When are you planning to return to work?" I've been asked, by more than one new mother. The question itself is so loaded, even when said out of something like innocent curiosity, that I find it difficult to answer. But I do answer, most of the time. I'm unemployed and will remain that way at least for another year. I'm lucky enough to have that option of not looking for a job.

The fact is, however, that I'm also looking to do some sort of part-time work while I'm homebound (and have already started one very small part-time job, with minimal hours).

But maybe becoming a mother has made me think differently about "work" in general, as well as "time." More on that tomorrow--as right now, my eyelids are drooping, the whole house is quiet, and I need to get to bed more than I need to think about time.

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