Sunday, August 15, 2010


Tomorrow, one of our regular public playgroups (sponsored by the City of San Francisco) starts up again, after a summer-long hiatus; this marks, in a way, the end of summer for me and my son.

It's a good time for new beginnings. He is well-launched into toddlerhood, with all the huge desires, curiosities and disappointments that come with that age--so much like the teenage years, in the scope of the passions involved, at least, the intense highs and lows. He needs, badly, the stimulation that a range of playgroups, playgrounds and other activities can provide.

And I'm ready for changes myself. Without dwelling on it--as stated previously, this blog was taking up too much of my time, especially in relation to other writing projects. I've completed forty-two short-short stories (about three or four pages each) and I hope to write at least sixty or seventy more before the end of the year. There's a translation project I'm dying to tackle involving French poetry. A few other writing projects are simply languishing from lack of time, energy and, let's face it, will power.

But enough about all that. These will happen--it might take a few years instead of the six or seven months I'm hoping for--but they will happen.

I suppose part of the reason for writing this blog was to see if I could pull that crazy rabbit out of the hat--that is, lead a writer's life and a mother's life at the same time. I'm only been minimally successful at it up to now. We'll see what happens in the next year or so.

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