Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's for You

I've complained recently about how exhausted I am--and it's true, the night sleeping has slipped on his part, he's waking me up and keeping me up at 3 or 4 am, most days, for the last couple of weeks; and his nap schedule has gone haywire; and I've been wiped out every day for about three weeks (including a week of illness). However--

He's started to play "cell phone" with me, where I hand him his fake cell phone, he plays with it, then hands it back to me, with a playful glint in his eye. I put it to my ear saying, "Hello? Oh, it's a call for _______? Here, it's for you, it's the diaper man" and I hand the phone back to him. He smiles radiantly, and the game goes on for two or three repetitions.

Life is not all bad when your 11-month-old does something like hands you a cell phone so that you can "take a call" for him.

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