Monday, February 1, 2010

A Perfect Storm

Writing this very quickly, as I don't think I'll have a chance to post later today. After a rough night, the baby and I went to the doctor's this morning--were told that he has a virus of some sort, and it will probably last a few more days. I'm not feeling all that splendid myself; an old bronchial problem. My husband was called in for possible jury duty today. "The perfect storm," someone said, when I described the situation on the phone. As I do my best to tend to a feverish child (though I often start hacking away at the wrong moments, upsetting him even more), I do feel like some sort of outrageous storm has blown through this household, turning our quietly happy routine upside down. Life can become hellish on the turn of a dime. But it's not quite that bad--yet; the baby is sleeping peacefully at the moment. I should do the same.

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