Monday, February 8, 2016

Babysitting is Damn Hard Work

Today I babysat one of my son's classmates, just for two and a half hours, right after school...I was exhausted after it was done...which had to do with the fact that I didn't get enough sleep last night, but also with the fact that I'd decided the kids had to have a cookie-baking session and a treasure hunt--one that included finding three clues and solving three problems (math, French and spelling-related. It had nothing to do with the girl I was babysitting; I adore her and she was very sweet and cooperative throughout the play date; my son, on the other hand, was terribly jealous and not very polite.  He was supremely disappointed not to be the one to discover the treasure, but as the girl so rightly pointed out, he discovered the hidden location of the treasure map so they were virtually tied...and what does it matter?

The real problem, of course, is that my son is so used to having me 110% to himself.  I had a talk with him after the play date, about taking care of people when they come to our house, making them feel welcome, and why there was no reason to feel jealous of all the attention I was paying to his friend.  I emphasized the fact that no one is more important to me than he is, that I will always love him more than any other child.

That's definitely true...but every now and then, a little girl following the rules can be awfully nice to have around.

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