Monday, February 15, 2016

Parks Near You

One of my favorite things to do is to discover something that feels off the beaten path, yet is less than a fifteen-minute drive from our house.  That's what I found yesterday, a park near San Francisco Bay that includes at least two miles of trails, marsh areas that look fairly clean, large green fields, and a few play structures.  Someone has done a lot of work on this place.  And my son and I enjoyed it with just a sprinkling of other people, maybe fifteen total.  Our first sight, when we left the car, was a huge heron, probably a great blue, passing over our heads.  The way it moved, so slowly and majestically, and with a great sense of purpose--made me feel, somehow, that my life mattered, that we all fit into the pattern of things...

On another topic (I'm tired, need to make this brutally short)--I can't believe I forgot to post anything for two days in a row.  But I suppose the world isn't going to stop spinning because of that.

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