Monday, February 1, 2016


Somehow I'm swamped again this week with tasks for both home and's a bad week, that's all I can say.  Today we had drywall workers here until 2 p.m., making a hell of a racket (this after the plumbers were here all day Thursday and Friday, installing new copper pipes for our kitchen's a long and uninteresting story, the saga of the kitchen pipes, so I'll just stop there).  I had to take my cat to the vet in the middle of all that, a trip which took up most of the morning.

The only bright spot of the day:  my son prepared a nice booklet of all the writing projects he's done at home in the last week and a half to improve his writing skills; every day we look up a new animal on Wikipedia and he writes about it.  We assembled these "reports" into a booklet and we'll present it to his teacher tomorrow.

That was the big depressing thing I refused to mention a couple weeks ago:  my teacher reported to me that my son is struggling at school with his writing and with more complex reading (reading to follow a complicated plot).  But when I say, "struggling," I wonder how much of it is truly a struggle for him?  Because at home, he seems to be doing pretty well.  Anyway, he's now working hard on the writing, and somewhat on the reading.  We'll see.

And tomorrow--if I don't get in some decent jogging and three hours on the stories...inundated or not, it's got to be done.

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