Sunday, August 21, 2016

Late-night Blather

It's 11:30 and I'm still up which is a tragedy...

Have gotten seven hours' sleep a night two out of the last three nights, which is something of a record for recent weeks--usually the average is down to about six hours a night these days.  For no one good reason, more like, a combination of stupid ones.

This post will be lightning-quick.

The school year has started really well...for one thing, Jesse biked to school every day last week, which he hasn't done since kindergarten; but it was a short week, just three days.  This week will be the real test.  Can he adjust to the entire school routine, including the twice-a-day bike ride (four miles total) without burnout?

I think it'll have the opposite effect...that is, after a mile-long bike ride, he'll actually be settled enough, mentally, to start learning right away.  We'll see.

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