Saturday, August 27, 2016

Lovely Days

What a much-better age 51 (almost 52) I'm learning how to appreciate the days where almost nothing happens, where one's mind has time to drift and to dream, where, yes, there are a lot of housewifely chores, but none of them are too onerous...where the son is mostly doing his own thing (and this mostly involves computer games or Magic Treehouse videos, but this makes him very happy)...where no one in one's little family group is injured or harrassed or especially troubled about anything.

The only thing I did with Jesse is take him to downtown Los Altos, our favorite downtown in Silicon Valley (and the only one, as far as I've seen, which makes a conscious effort to cater to kids) where we visited a pet store with a huge macaw, where he bought the Minecraft Redstone handbook and where he ate a chocolate ice cream cone at the local Baskin-Robbins.

Nearly perfect day in other words...easy for both of us and just what we needed.

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