Monday, May 24, 2010

Being a Mother

Was reminded today, twice, that the mere fact of being a mother does not guarantee greater sensitivity towards other mothers. Mothers have agendas like everyone else. Mothers do not automatically develop a greater capacity for compassion or intuitive thinking; some of them wear "motherhood" like a veil or a crown of thorns, and cannot be reached, in a sense, until they take those off. And for other mothers it's even simpler than that: they were insensitive people before they had a child and nothing magically changed when they gave birth. I do not believe that "motherhood changes you," as I've heard so often. Indeed, what often happens when one is overtired is that one becomes even more oneself (in a negative sense), and mothers spend most of the first several years of motherhood being overtired.

On the other hand...

I was also reminded today, more than twice, that some mothers are wonderfully sensitive towards other mothers; they look in your eyes and without speaking, their look says, "I understand. Are you okay? If you really need me, I'm there for you." And I'm talking about some mothers that I barely know.

Life is funny that way.

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