Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Mothers, United...

My two older mothers' groups are still going strong; one of them now has more than seventy members. That's an unwieldy size for any sort of playgroup with children involved, obviously, so we've divided into five sub-groups; the one I'm in, mothers over forty with toddlers between 13 and 16 months of age, has had two gatherings so far, in two different San Francisco parks. We appear to be a dynamic bunch of people, with interesting professions (those who are employed) and a lot to say to each other. The value of this sort of group, to any mom with a toddler or a baby, cannot be overestimated.

What I'm thinking now (although I hesitate to say it out loud because it would mean a lot of work, and a kind of work that I'm not exactly in love with), is that these mothers' groups should organize and demand that attention be paid to the atrocious quality of most San Francisco schools. The largest mothers' group in San Francisco is Golden Gate Mother's Group--though it's by no means the only one--and it alone has almost 4,000 members. That really is a political force to be reckoned with. If just thirty percent of them lifted a finger to fight for better quality schools in San Francisco, change (on a small scale, at least) would surely happen.

It's one of those tempting ideas that could suddenly take over one's life, so I'll move forward very cautiously on this one.

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