Friday, May 21, 2010

San Francisco, Foot by Foot

I've attempted to keep the focus, in this blog, on two things: (1) being an older mother, and (2) taking random walks in San Francisco and writing about its more hidden, surprising aspects.

I've done alright with #1 (although recently the focus has been more on motherhood in general, not on being older); as far as #2 goes, in recent weeks I've failed miserably at taking random walks with my son. The reason is, he's walking.

What I mean is--we walk, ever-so-slowly, down a sidewalk, for twenty feet or so--then he's attracted to a pigeon and wants to follow it across a busy street, so I have to pick him up and carry him to whatever park or indoor attraction I've planned to visit. (This happened today.) Yes, we take random walks, but so far, have only managed to walk half a block at a time...and he hates sitting in a stroller these days. I suspect things will improve in this regard--the more he's walking, the more we'll go on longer walks and the more (perhaps) he'll want to sit in a stroller at the end of the day. For right now, though, I have to accept that my ground's-eye view of San Francisco is in half-block increments...maybe that's not such a bad thing.

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