Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Planet Baby

I'm below-par right now, in terms of energy level, and it's late, so will keep this brief.

I recently reset the backdrop on my computer screen, from the planet Earth as viewed from outer space, to a picture of my son when he was around 8 months old. Something all-too-symbolic about that, of course. "You're officially a mother when you use your son's picture as your screen backdrop," my husband quipped when he saw the photo; but it also symbolizes the fact that my son is now, if not my whole world, then at least, a very significant planet in my solar system...and he's certainly filling up my view-screen, on most days.

I know that this is, to some degree, imbalanced. I also know that if I work out a balance where my son has to recognize that my entire life does not revolve around him, it will be healthier for both of us, in the long run. We've taken baby steps (pardon the pun) in that direction--and he's definitely showing signs of growing independence, for instance, he goes off and reads a book on his own for a few minutes, or wanders away to pick up something in a distant room and bring it to me (this morning it was the lamp off of my desk in the bedroom). I also know, however, that toddlers generally assume that the lives of the people around them do, in fact, revolve around them; and they never stray far from Caregiver #1 (usually Mommy).

On that inconclusive note--must get to bed.

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