Monday, July 26, 2010

Almost 17 Months

My son appears to be entering a "high toddler" phase in certain respects. This brings both wonderful, positive developmental advances, too many to describe at present, and some difficult behaviors. Mainly--he often refuses to be changed, and he often resists entering his car seat with all his might.

I know that both behaviors have to do with his intense desire to keep on the go. I try to roll with it. But sometimes I have to get it done, whatever thing it is that he's resisting. And yes, he's ferociously unhappy when I overrule him...I'll try to reserve a few toys for each of these activities, pulling them out only at the moment when he hits the changing pad, or is firmly installed in the carseat. Because this battle to keep him still at those moments is getting awfully old, even though it's only gone on for about two weeks now.

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