I have a new respect for various objects, due to my son's fascination with them. I don't know if he'll continue to point and gurgle when he sees lights and trucks when he's, say, fifteen; but I suppose some of that allure will linger. As for chairs and doors--he just loves manipulating them.
My doctor told me that the gross motor skills of boys advance more rapidly than those of girls--watching my son opening and closing doors for several minutes at a time, with such concentration he looks like someone completing a homework project, it's hardly a surprise. I know that it's dangerous to let him do this (and we don't let him without close supervision--with the more dangerous doors, we don't let him at all)--on the other hand, he seems to have developed such a technique with doors that he might be past the stage where he would smash his fingers.
But I know that as long as the word there is "might," we'll have to watch him--closely.
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