Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Day After

I forgot to post to this blog yesterday.

I think that I haven't missed a day for eleven months. (I'm not 100% sure about that, but I think the only other day that I missed was during a trip to France when it was all but physically impossible to access the Internet.)

I know that this effort to blog every day without fail for an entire year was a kind of "stunt," of absolutely no importance to anyone but myself. But for me, it was hugely important.

This blog was functioning--is functioning--as a reminder that I could, possibly, have some sort of life outside of the one I currently live as a wife and mother and stepmother. (Even though the title of the blog is "newmom44," I still believe that the topic of motherhood is not necessarily the most important subject I'm attempting to deal with here.)

If I start to believe that "this is it"--i.e. wifedom and motherhood--I'll start to disintegrate. In little bite-sized pieces.

So in that sense, yes, the blog is important to me.

And I'll post twice today to make up for yesterday.

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