Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Crucial Moment

My baby seems to be at a crossroads in many ways; we're buying new products like mad, just to keep up with his tremendous rate of growth. He needs all these items, right now: new onesies, new pajamas, new shirts, new carseats, new stroller(s), new baby carrier. We're hiring a baby-proofing expert who will install gates, corner protectors, door latches and so forth.

The little guy isn't crawling yet, but he seems to be getting close; I suspect it'll happen in another couple of weeks. He's very nearly too big for the front-facing baby carrier, which is a damn shame because he loves it. He also loves his cheap carseat/travel system and has slept beautifully in it. Perhaps we've relied a bit too much on these items, and this has hampered his development where crawling and being mobile are concerned, but I'm not so sure...he's a very large (and long) baby, and it's usually harder for bigger babies to learn to crawl.

Whether or not he's crawling, he finally enjoys sitting up, even in his playpen (he hated sitting alone in the playpen just a few weeks ago, in fact he wouldn't stand for it). He can sit by himself and play with various store advertisements from the newspaper for a good fifteen minutes. Watching him sit there and study the pictures, then tear them up, is both amusing--he looks so serious as he does it--and deeply touching.

I suppose what I'm realizing is that he's no longer a young baby; it feels like one major stage of his life is coming to a definite close, and he's entering into a new realm: still a baby, still quite helpless in many respects, but much more his own person. (And as big as most toddlers!) It's exciting, and a little bit sad. I'm sure those same feelings will reemerge at every new stage of his life, from here to college.

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