Sunday, November 29, 2009

Prelude to a Crawl

Yesterday I wrote--a little anxiously, perhaps--about how I might have hampered my baby's development in terms of his motor skills, specifically, his ability to crawl. Today he seemed determined to prove that, damn it, he's going to crawl sooner than I think. He was doing everything but crawling--transferring from a sitting position to all fours; remaining on all fours for several seconds; getting up from his stomach to an all-fours position, and so forth. And I realize, as my husband's pointed out, that there's absolutely no reason to be anxious about whether or not my baby crawls tomorrow, or a month from now--or never crawls at all.

I realize, moreover, when I see my baby get on all fours, then stop and think about what to do next--what a complicated and beautiful thing it is to be alive.

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