Along the lines of yesterday's post...when I see my son pick up a big metal bowl or other large object, walk to the living room, put it down, drop a Lego piece in it, or a wooden spoon or some other toy, then march back to the kitchen with it...or when I see him walk over to the bookshelf in the living room, pull out a book, study the cover, throw it on the floor, then pull out three other books, study each of them and throw them on the floor, then take the fifth book and bring it over to me, I'm forced to realize that he's not a baby any more. It's wonderful to see.
The only hard part is when he cries out for something, compelled to express his increasingly strong desires in the only way he knows how, and I have no idea what he wants. That happens rarely, however. It's often not that difficult to interpret his cries and gestures. He almost always has his eye on an electronic gadget like a cell phone or a computer, or he wants to be put down on the floor, or he wants to be picked up and put to bed, or he wants something to eat.
So far, the terrors of toddlerhood have not outpaced the joys. But I know that as far as toddlerhood goes, we're just getting started.
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