Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tiny Babbles

My son is a bit late, perhaps, in his ability to form actual words--"mama" is the only word that has issued from his lips, and even then, it's more often something like "ma-ma-ma-ma, ma-ma-ma" spoken to the air, rather than two syllables directed at me. However--recently, perhaps sometime this week, he began to talk in complete baby sentences--a variety of syllables and phonemes, rising and descending inflections, and a wealth of feeling behind every statement. This vigorous vocalization occurs most often when he's well-fed and highly content with the state of the world and the state of his own body. And it seems tied in with his ability to walk, which has also progressed markedly in recent days.

Of course, I'll be eager to hear more actual words pop out of his mouth; but I adore this particular moment, when he's the master of his own private language and has such fun using it.

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