Thursday, April 1, 2010

Rainy Days, Blustery Nights

The weather continues to act up--it's rained twelve days out of thirty-one this past month, which is a lot for March in San Francisco. And I haven't had to water the garden at all since December, I believe. This past week has been particularly tough to deal with, since it rained more days than it was dry, and one begins to wonder when the gorgeous spring weather will arrive. As a stay-at-home mother with a one-year-old, I suppose that I have a touch of cabin fever at this point.

A lingering high-romantic side of me has always adored rainy weather--especially on those days when I can curl up all evening with a good book and a mug of hot chocolate...but having a child does burn some of that dreaminess out of one's soul. I'd just appreciate a string of several days in a row when I don't have to cart my son to yet another indoor playgroup because it's too wet for him outside.

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