Saturday, October 17, 2015

3 Weeks to Go

Three weeks to go until my first-ever triathlon.  It's a sprint triathlon, the easiest, shortest type of triathlon.  But it definitely won't be easy for this beginner.

Yesterday was a confidence-booster in the sense that I ran farther than I've ever run at one time in the last, oh, seven years:  5.8 miles.  (The running portion of the triathlon is 5K, or 3.1 miles.)  I was super-tired afterwards, and I'm still tired; but I also feel a new sense of strength--super-charged, somehow...I can't explain how it's possible to feel tired and super-charged at the same time, but that's the only way to describe it.  Endorphins are wonderful.

My triathlon "trainer" and guru, Joe Friel, who has written several books on the subject of triathlon training, says that the next three weeks should be all about gradually tapering down the length of the workouts while also doing an intense "mini-race" workout every three days or so.  This, in order to be fully rested when race day arrives.  I'm all in favor of doing shorter distances; that 5.8 miles was grueling. But I think my body and mind both benefitted tremendously from trying this one longer run before the tapering begins.

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