Wednesday, October 21, 2015


My son, like many kids his age, has an active fantasy life, although I think it's much too heavily influenced by the colorful, fast, but not terribly imaginative worlds created by Club Penguin (a play environment for the computer created by Disney) and certain kids' movies, as well as books like the Geronimo Stilton series...and, definitely, the countless battle games, available on the iPad--dragon battles, monster battles, airplane battles, tank battles, and now thanks to an outfit called Gluten Free Games, animals battling each other.  

On the more positive side:  he will read books about animals.  He's doing a report on rockhopper penguins for school, and we're reading books about these amazing creatures.  We watched a video showing rockhopper penguins coming home to a windswept island somewhere in the Atlantic; after spending five months at sea, they come home to mate and raise their young...just watching this three-minute video where they have to leap up onto the rocks, then get battered and tossed back into the ocean by huge waves, then leap up again, and again...was so much better than hours of any of his fantasy can I convey this to him?  Reality has so much fantasy in it.  

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