Monday, October 12, 2015


Feeling a bit scattered and diffused.  My son had the day off from school today, Teacher Learning Day (again), so we invited three boys and their moms to come to our place for most of the afternoon; also, this morning, my son and I both got our flu vaccines--his through a nasal spray, mine through a shot--and we shopped for food for the gathering.  Yesterday--the triathlon training event, plus a hike with son and husband.  The day before--cleaning the house most of the afternoon, and what? in the morning...I don't remember.  The day before--school volunteering for an hour and a half, then a little minor shopping before I had to pick up my son (it was a Friday so dismissal was early, 12:45).  Before that--I don't remember...the point is, haven't written for days and it doesn't feel good.  I'd built up a good head of steam, was nearing the end as far as the editing of the short-shorts was concerned...tomorrow is another early dismissal day.

Will do everything I can to get some editing done tomorrow...I feel almost as if my mental health depends on it.

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