Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Works in Progress

Was moderately productive on all fronts today.  Feeling insecure about everything, the writing, the triathlon, my son's progress at school...but I think everything is going reasonably well.

I swam hard but not at race pace, and still managed to do 500 meters in 10 minutes.  Then jogged--not terribly fast, but my knee wasn't feeling all that great; will do double workouts today and tomorrow, then take it easy the following couple of days.  That's straight from Joe Friel's playbook for the final three weeks before a triathlon.

As for the writing--I have 100 completed short-short stories (winnowed down from 109).  I did the edits by hand; still have to type them into the computer.  A lot of secretarial work to plow through.  Hope to be 100% finished and ready to send things out by November 4th at the latest (just before the triathlon)...that's a tight schedule, but not crazy-tight.  

A little depressed when I remember that I started writing these short-shorts in 2010, maybe even 2009. What can I do about that, though?  Just get them out there and start the next thing, that's what.

As for my son and his schoolwork--what can I say?  I don't want to talk too much about him in this blog, to protect his privacy; let's just say, I often have major anxieties about his progress, whether he's "keeping up," whether I'm too easy on him (it was a topic here a few weeks ago, I believe).  But again, what can I say?  I try to balance the pressure to finish school projects, to take French and music and art and tennis lessons, with, "Let's make brownies" or "Let's make some Shrinky-Dinks in the toaster oven."  And if we don't have time for those "useless" activities, then I know I'm really doing something wrong.

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