Friday, October 16, 2015

Saying Hell No

The next month is crazy-busy with projects--particularly for my son's school.  Besides the five volunteer activities, there's a Halloween party, an all-day field trip...apart from school, my two must-finish projects for the next month are the short-short stories (really need to figure out a better name) and the sprint triathlon.

Everything is progressing; nothing is pushing me over the limit...but last night I was asked to do some additional volunteer work.  Really easy stuff, requiring about 10 hours of my time, maybe even less.  However...piling on 10 more hours, when I need about ten hours to get my files in order and clear out some of the junk that's sitting around the house; when I need to see my brother and his family; when I need some time to watch a damn movie or read a damn book or play basketball with my son...I said no.

In my mind was "Hell no."  But I restrained myself.

It's amazing how liberating it is to say no.  Nicely.

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