I've been disappointed by many of the popular children's books--some of which I read as a child and am revisiting, some of which are recent discoveries. Eric Carle's drawings are pleasant, but the reason for his enormous popularity escapes me. "Goodnight Moon" presents a room and the various objects in it, over and over; in my view, the room isn't all that interesting, and since there's no plot, I don't understand why people love this book. Even, dare I say it, Dr. Seuss--my child loves the "Hop on Pop" and "Dr. Seuss's ABC" board books; he really studies the pictures and listens to me when I read those; but I don't see his interest in these books stretching beyond another four months or so. Having said that--I loved the "Birthday Book" and "The Cat in the Hat" as a child, and I suspect my son will too when he's older.
At any rate--I've purchased a book that offers children's book recommendations, and I look forward to discovering a new set of favorites that were not available when I was a child.
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