Thursday, December 31, 2009

Celebrations in Baby Time

It's interesting to step into celebration mode with a baby in the house. This little person cares nothing for these bumps in the calendar, like Christmas and New Year's; he's still busy learning how to stand up, to eat with his fingers, to use a sippy cup, to sleep without needing too much help--and he can't put a hold on all those activities in order to raise a glass and reflect on all he's accomplished over the past nearly-ten months...his all-encompassing quotidian calendar clashes with our Roman-Christian-American one...and it will be interesting for me, after having stayed up to midnight with the family, to deal with his needs at 6 am as per usual...actually, I'm probably going to bed right after finishing this, so won't make it to midnight. His quotidian calendar wins...and, at the moment, I don't mind in the least that it does. Happy New Year, You-Know-Who.

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