Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Right Stuff

Wasn't sure whether to take the baby to a playgroup today because it's one of the coldest days of the year, and it seemed so far away (though it's only around twenty minutes by car), and we were running about fifteen minutes late. It's not the playgroup I've been attending recently, but one held in a much smaller room; I imagined the room would be crowded by the time we got there and we might not even make it in. But I did make it there, finally, and to my delight, only three other mothers were there (six people total, including babies).

The woman running the playgroup was excellent; knowledgeable, friendly and professional. She asked me right away where my baby was at in terms of his development, then knew exactly what sorts of activities he should engage in to encourage and stimulate him. She had the same good advice for the other moms, whose babies' ages ranged from three months to six months. And she wasn't just a fountain of advice; she really watched all of the little people, to pick up ideas on what they needed, based on what they were already doing.

Listening to her, I was reminded of how powerful a combination knowledge and passion can be. Someone in the right profession for their temperament, bringing good ideas as well as passionate devotion to their work--they get so good at what they do, that they don't have to brag about it; it's obvious.

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