I wonder what my baby was thinking yesterday, seeing the ocean waves rolling in. I had him in the front-facing carrier, perhaps for the last time, since he's hitting the weight limit for that device--and too bad; he loves facing forward. His legs kicked and he chortled excitedly as we approached the waves at Ocean Beach.
Though it was cloudy over most of San Francisco, it was surprisingly clear at the ocean, and the sun cast a soft, late-afternoon light over the water; people were remarking on how beautiful it was, and many of them smiled at the little guy as they walked by.
It was by far the best moment in an otherwise dreary day. He took in everything--sandpipers, snowy plovers, rambling dogs, foamy waves--with a sort of rapture that made me instantly forget I had any problems whatsoever.
Thanks to the little one, I had a taste of what it would be like to see the ocean for the first time.
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