As the baby nears 9 months, I'm reevaluating a lot of areas--the organization of his day, his toys and books, whether I'm providing him with enough stimulation and time with other babies his age--and making adjustments. He's halfway through his babyhood, if it's true that toddlerhood begins at 18 months; I see how quickly the time passes, how damn precious every day is, how much there is to do. Today, for instance, I have to buy him some pajamas and/or comfortable clothes for him to sleep and play in, he's sorely lacking in that regard.
I'll continue taking him at least once a week to a playgroup I've found (it's actually a course in child development offered through the local city college, but it's open to all mothers and babies 8 to 15 months of age), but once a week is not enough for him. Another playgroup offered at a local baby store doesn't provide much space for the children to roam around. I'm sure there are other possibilities out there. This kid is becoming so aware of the world, so curious, so hungry for new information--it's obvious. My big challenge over the next 9 months, I suppose, is keeping up with his hungry growing body and his equally hungry mind.
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