Saturday, January 9, 2010

Great Books for Babies, Part Two

The only books I didn't include on the list, that is, the only other books my son has loved and I have loved reading to him: a series of animated books about different animals, by Maurice Pledger (we have them in French, but they were originally written in English), and Blue Hat, Green Hat by Sandra Boynton.

Not a lot of books on my list, I realize. I don't know why there aren't more Dr. Seusses and Byron Bartons out there. Yes, I have Goodnight Moon, and my son enjoys it; but I'm only including on this list books that he's wild about and that I still enjoy reading to him after having read them over a hundred times. I find Goodnight Moon surprisingly dull, and not even very good poetry.

My trips to the Internet or to local bookstores have not really paid off in terms of finding other interesting books for someone my son's age. However, during the last few weeks, he's become more interested in turning pages than in actually sitting and having books read to him. He seems to like to turn pages of really big books even more than the little board books we have all around the house. So it shouldn't be too hard to supply him with lots of books for this current phase of his career as a lecteur.

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