Attended a parents' discussion group today at one of the centers where I often take my son for play sessions. All kinds of issues were brought up, almost too numerous to list here; but they included teething, stomach flu, sleepsacks vs. blankets, daycare, biting issues, sleeping through the night, naps, fussiness, and separation anxiety. What was remarkable about the whole experience was how upbeat it was. That particular mix of individuals was a fortuitous one, I think--everyone was remarkably positive, even when talking about something as difficult as taking one's child to the emergency room after a severe bout of vomiting. I came away from the hour session both much more informed about a number of topics, and subtly rejuvenated.
Obviously, parenting is a lonely experience; less obviously, one can get stuck in a rut of gloominess and negative thinking, especially if one is tired most of the time. How uplifting it can be to raise one's head for a moment, realize that others are going through the same distressing problems with their babies, watch them as they look at your own kid and realize once again just how wonderful he is, see their kids (and find them very appealing but, well, just not out-and-out wonderful like yours), and just shake up your thinking a little bit by seeing someone else's perspective.
Part of me wonders (the cynical part?) if most of the parents in today's group were working at least part-time, since two of them did mention they were working and just happened to be attending the group today because it was a national holiday. In other words--did the whole atmosphere of the session seem more upbeat and less stressed because these people are not full-time moms or dads?
Whether or not that is the case--it will be helpful to remember this group session--to remember what a room full of joyful parents feels like.
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