Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A New Track

I've gotten way off the track where this blog is concerned...but the track has changed. It's become very difficult to find the time to go on random strolls through hidden parts of San Francisco; more often, I'm involved with very purposeful shopping trips to keep up with the changing and expanding needs of this baby, or I'm taking him to a playgroup or to the playground.

As was the case today; we sampled a new playgroup, on Union Street. Which did take me off the beaten path, but there was only time for a fifteen-minute walk up the street and back--no wandering involved, just a bit of loitering. However, one part of the trip served as a useful reminder not to take this whole blogging business--or motherhood in general--too seriously.

The Union Street business district could hardly be described as a "hidden" or "lost" corner of the City, except if narcissism is a lost state; my first sight when I got out of the car was a place offering "airbrush tanning." All the shops seemed to offer some sort of bodily improvement or some way to add more accessories to one's home. Be that as it may...we found a cafe and sat down for five minutes. It was a small place, where people were mostly sitting alone at their computers; a couple women were chatting away next to us.

I fed my son bits of banana bread, thinking this would be a way to keep him from making too much noise for at least the length of time it would take to drink one-fourth of my coffee. He was enjoying the whole experience (especially the unexpected treat) and, towards the end of that five minutes, uttered one long, enthusiastic shout of approval, something along the lines of OOOAAAAYYEAH!

I'm only realizing how appropriate that comment was--how much in the spirit of this blog--some five or six hours later.

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