Friday, January 8, 2010

Great Books for Babies

I wrote briefly, a long time ago, about children's books and how surprised I was that so many of them were so dull. Or something to that effect. Well, I wanted to mention some that have survived multiple (maybe hundreds) of readings and have retained their lustre, somehow.

Many of the books I'm reading to my son are in French; we just happen to have a lot of French-language children's books. And yes, there are many extremely dull ones in French as well. But Antoon Krings' series of books centered on different members of the insect family are outstanding. Our personal favorites: Mireille l'Abeille [Mireille the Bee] and Simeon le Papillon [Simeon the Butterfly]. But I'll focus here on books in English. All the books I'm listing are books that work well with babies, if my kid is any indication, though some are better for younger babies (under nine months) and those I'll indicate with an asterisk:

Color Surprises* (out of print)--my son adored this book for months and months
Doctor Seuss's ABC board book*
Doctor Seuss's Hop on Pop board book*
The Wide-Mouthed Frog
My Car
by Byron Barton (my son loves this author's illustrations--big, bold colors and shapes)
Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs by Byron Barton
Machines at Work by Byron Barton
The Three Bears by Byron Barton
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

I'm sure there are others, but I can't think of them offhand; I'll continue this tomorrow.

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