From a pint-sized, one-year-old point of view, the best things in life are things that make one feel big and important, and/or things that move in surprising ways.
Just thinking about the things that make my son laugh, smile delightedly, or shout excitedly--today, for instance, he smiled or laughed or shouted when:
--Anpan-Man helped him change his diaper (see earlier post about Anpan-Man if you don't know who he is).
--we played with the kitchen fan/light unit (which slides in and out and has buttons that light up).
--we played with the new track lighting button that can be pushed in AND rotated.
--we opened and closed the peephole in the front door.
--we were in the Shakespeare Garden at Golden Gate Park and saw four (count 'em, FOUR) policemen mounted on horses, walking by on the trail between the Garden and the Academy of Sciences.
--we saw, right after the horses, a squirrel scamper across the Garden lawn and up a tree.
--Mommy sang "Row, row, row your boat" while moving the booster chair tray back and forth with Little Guy holding the other end, after each meal.
--he stood and rotated a spinning seat at the playground (something he's never done before).
--he went on the swings and Mommy said "Hi baby" every time he got close to her.
--he pushed the stroller while walking barefoot all over the Shakespeare Garden.
Not a bad day, and not an expensive one, either.
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