Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Just Mommy

My babysitter, who cared for my son six hours a week (12-3, twice a week) has received a paid internship and will be leaving us soon. We've had her for two and a half months; she was extremely competent and trustworthy, so I'll miss her. On the other hand--I'm getting more sleep these days and my energy level has gone up as a result. So I'm thinking of hiring someone just for the occasional night or afternoon. It means that I won't be swimming as much for the next two years, but my husband will pitch in for an hour and a half here and there if I'm really dying to go swimming. It means that my baby will be going shopping with me more often--but he'll survive that. Most of all, it means little or no "mental health" breaks for me during the week; but I'll have to make his nap times my absolutely selfish quiet times, even if bottles and dishes don't get washed, and things don't get picked up off the floor.

The other reason not to rehire someone to care for him twice a week is that it's just hard to tear myself away from my son, even for two brief periods a week. I know that sounds implausible, but there it is.

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