Monday, March 8, 2010

Sandra Bullock and Being "Me"

I've been reading more about Sandra Bullock. She has a real presence, that "star quality" that few people in Hollywood actually possess. She has a marvelous, unpredictable sense of humor. She speaks fluent German, with none of those halting, tentative, or overexcited inflections that usually overtake people speaking in a language they do not know well. And, in her own way, she's a remarkably talented actress. I haven't seen anything she's done except her small role in "Crash," and one fairly dull comedy whose name escapes me, but I'm now curious to see more of her.

One quote that she uttered regarding motherhood is relevant to this blog: "If I'm blessed with that role, I just hope to be the best me I can be."

It's important to remember not to dive so deeply into one's child and his or her needs that one forgets to be a "me" as well, of course. And these days I am feeling, sometimes, a bit lost, in terms of the "me" that existed before this little person arrived...the lack of a career is a factor in that, certainly.

For now, the best "me" I can be is a woman spending almost 100% of her time taking care of her son. But I have to try to carve out a little more time, even now, for that "other me," the one who reads, writes, makes music and moves a little more in the world at large.

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