Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Moms and Fun

How to have fun as a new mom:

--Learn to laugh at bodily functions.

--Do not imitate your son or daughter when they do something completely ridiculous or gross, even if you think it's funny. If you do, they'll keep doing it to get another reaction out of you, and before long you won't be laughing at all.

--Learn to go out for a latte or cappuccino, or whatever 15-minute mental health break you need, and do it as often as you feel you need to do it (every day if necessary), instead of ALWAYS dutifully shopping for that much-needed [whatever] for your kid.

--Go slowly enough through the day that you notice all the brief-yet-irreplaceable moments with your son or daughter; in other words, when they hold out a spoon for you to take a bite of their food (and they haven't even mastered the use of a spoon themselves) notice what an incredibly charming gesture it is, and revel in it.

--Find a group of new mothers with whom you can talk about problems, and then laugh with them at the difficulty of it all, instead of crying about it.

--When you do find yourself crying about how hard it all is, imagine yourself in your favorite vacation spot--or even, a special, secret retreat within your own town--then find a way, by hook or by crook, to return there with your child.

--Find a way to obtain a part-time job or volunteer position that fulfills any part of you that badly needs fulfillment. ("Part-time" could mean, just six hours a week.)

--Take up a musical instrument, any one, and practice regularly, even if your kid is climbing all over you as you do so.

--When you feel trapped, and exhausted, make yourself get out of the house with your baby; or call someone you haven't talked with in months just to say hello; or dare to call one of your friends for moral support. If the moral support isn't forthcoming, head straight for the chocolate mint ice cream.

--Buy a few educational DVDs so you almost feel like an adult again, for at least half an hour a day.

--Find a ridiculous hobby and pursue it, so you almost feel like a carefree young person again, for at least half an hour a day.

--Learn to give yourself pep talks. Pretend you're your own coach.

--Make time for your significant other. If you don't have a significant other, make time for bubble baths and flirting.

--Even if you do have a significant other: MAKE TIME FOR BUBBLE BATHS.

--Get enough sleep.

--Look at pictures of that amazing person who has entered your life so suddenly and with so much good will and courage.

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