Friday, December 18, 2015

Am I Like That

Extremely cat has developed an annoying habit of coming to me at 4 in the morning, meowing, and butting the back of my head with hers, then sacking out right there on my pillow, her back up against the back of my head.  Sometimes I've made it back to sleep, but even so...I wonder what I can do to break this new habit of hers.  My sanity might depend on it.

I recently came across a blog by a woman who writes and who also races in triathlons.  And I've rarely read anything so self-absorbed and self-aggrandizing.

And I'm wondering:  am I like that?

It's late--fell behind with everything these last two days, got very little done...need to go to sleep anyway, especially with that 4 a.m. wake-up call in my near-future.

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