Wednesday, December 23, 2015


I've been grumpy these past few days...yes, just in time for's tied very much to the fact that I've had no time to write for more days than I can count (beyond this journal, that is).  This morning I was fit to be tied, as the old expression goes...jumping out of my own skin.  Everything irritated me, including, how very irritated I was about next to nothing.

At around 4:45, finally made it out the door for a jog.  It was getting dark already (it is the winter solstice after all), but I was determined to run for an hour or so.  Which I did...and it was exhilarating. Completely cured me of the grumps.  I feel so lucky to be healthy--much more healthy than this time last year--and so blessed to have a wonderful family, all of them in good health and reasonably happy.  Missing my parents quite a bit...but the pain of losing them, intense in 2006-2009, has subsided to a near-constant, low-pressure longing.

Sometimes the only cure for grumpiness is to smash it.

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