Today--what a contrast to the art school; my son went to his first real lesson at a coding school...I know, it seems like we're pushing him too early for that sort of thing. Trust me--we're not. He's a natural and he loves it; he's been doing simple coding exercises at home for five months. And he had a ball doing the same sort of thing with some one-on-one guidance at this school, which just started up in our area about two months ago.
I say, "What a contrast" because unlike the art school I described yesterday, my son was making a hundred decisions about what kind of shapes and characters and backgrounds to use, how he wanted his characters to move, what kind of story he wanted to tell. It was a creative activity, moving at the speed of light--or more accurately, at the speed of 6-year-old, computer-savvy kids (which means, fast).
I never thought I'd say this, but coding school did more for my son's imagination than art school. At least, this coding school did more than that particular art school. I will keep searching for a good art class.
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