Friday, December 4, 2015

Back on the Wagon(s)

Somewhat better today.

Am going to have to re-commit myself to the exercise and no-sugar regimen, as I really fell off the wagon these last few days.  Managed to exercise yesterday, but the previous two days, because of sickness, did not; and, yesterday I gleefully consumed three-quarters of a PowerBar, about 19 grams of sugar.

I did manage to complete six months of not missing a single day of exercise, May 30th to November 29th.

So my new pledge is to abstain from any sugary food (including PowerBars) for the next six months, December 4th through June 3rd, and to exercise daily (at least 25 minutes of aerobics six days a week, plus one day of walking at least 45 minutes), and also, to complete, every day, my 20-minute yoga/weights/knee exercise routine.

Now, of course, I'm feeling tired again...

Will have to figure out how to balance it all.

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