Thursday, December 10, 2015


I've experienced a mild euphoria these past four days, based simply on the fact that (1) I don't feel nauseous, and (2) my cough is ten times better--I don't feel like coughing every second.  An added bonus:  my knee is hardly bothering me at all these days.  And, I'm still at my target weight (although I've added a couple pounds this past week--since I can't eat sugary foods I'm probably eating way too much of everything else that's bad).

The euphoria exhibits itself in a greater eagerness to interact with people, and in a pervasive feeling of contentment...I know, banal to the max...

So my body is feeling pretty good...and my brain?  I did work pretty well today on the stories; not as disgusted with them as I was yesterday.  I think I'll be completely done in about a week, if all goes well.  But where on Earth should I send them?

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