Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Cookie Fiend

I've always been a cookie fiend.  Before I began my low-sugar diet, hardly a day went by that I didn't scarf down at least three or four of them.  I'm finding that a particularly hard habit to break, as evidenced by the fact that even during this new low-sugar regimen, I've been finding ways to justify the consumption of at least one or two cookies a day.  "Oh it's just 3 grams of sugar, I don't have to be so rigid about things do I?"

Yes it's not that bad, and I've only had one or two small cookies.  But that's not the point.  I was going to stop eating cookies, cake, chocolate, and virtually all other sugar-laden foods, for at least six months, maybe a year...so every time I eat a cookie, even one with just two grams of sugar, I'm breaking the rules.  Need to stop.

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