Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Day by Day

Things still not rosy...but not bleak either.

Still just coping, in some ways...and yes, this was another day away from the writing.

I had a garden lesson to teach this morning for my son's class, and in many ways that was the highlight of the day.  We looked at earthworms and potato bugs (I grew up calling them potato bugs; "roly-poly" seems to be the most popular word for them nowadays but they'll always be potato bugs to me), and conducted two experiments.  I tried to teach the kids how to be scientists:  observe closely and record your observations, make a hypothesis, conduct the experiment, write down the results. The potato bugs didn't seem to want to be the subjects of a science experiment; they curled up into their delightful little balls and threatened to stay that way throughout.  But finally, they uncurled themselves and meandered over to one of the two dirt piles.  I was trying to show that potato bugs prefer moist soil over dry soil, but of course, one potato bug wandered over to the dry soil just for the hell of it.  I think most of the kids doing the potato bug experiment wished they had chosen the earthworm experiment instead (which was, "can earthworms smell"--one dirt pile had vinegar in it, which those wriggly creatures avoided like the plague in favor of the non-vinegar pile).  However--I'm trying to think of the whole thing as a success...and really, for the most part it was.

Other than that...shopping, basic cleaning and organizing, a little bit of vacation planning, exercising, taking the kid to his coding lesson, going to the pet store for cat treats, watching excerpts of various Star Wars movies with my son (he can only watch certain scenes--he self-censors to avoid the "really scary parts"), helping with his writing homework, cooking, and doing some reading with him...took up the rest of the day.

Tomorrow, finally, I have around three hours to spend on the writing...holy cow it's been a long time.

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