Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Tuxedo Cat and Guerrilla Warfare

Our crazy cat, when feeling frisky, bites my feet or lower leg or whatever part of me she can access; five times out of six, it's a sneak attack.

It just happened.  It often happens at around this time, 9 p.m....which is the "top of the morning" for cats.  I was exercising with 8-pound weights and so, was irritated that she lunged for my foot at that precise moment, when I might have dropped the weights on her by accident.  And, it hurt.   I bent down to where she was hiding, under the bed, clamped my hand on her back, and held her there for about five seconds.

I felt bad afterwards for this gesture.  It just wasn't all that fair; she had no way to know how to interpret my actions.  I'd intended to convey a simple message to behave, but I think the message probably got lost in translation.

That's the problem with being stronger than anyone...those intentions to "gently instruct" often get lost in translation, too, on any level--personal, local, international; they sometimes devolve into actions of brute force, without anyone wishing for that to happen.  Obama bragging about the U.S. being far stronger than any other nation, yesterday in his State of the Union--I know that he was just telling the Republican candidates to stop yammering about how weak and vulnerable we are.  I don't blame him for this message.  I'm just not as comfortable with America being the super-duper power of the world, as he seems to be.

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