Okay, so I had the exciting lunch date yesterday...today it was, help little guy with homework, do the dishes, vacuum, get little guy out of the house for some exercise, send an email (requiring an hour of thought) regarding one of my volunteer duties at school, cook lunch, read with little guy, jog, cook dinner, wash dishes...
And suddenly, after not feeling so bad all day, I'm feeling bad. Just down in the dumps.
"It's just insane!" one of the digital video program friends I met yesterday was saying, referring to her new life with two young kids. "I'm soooo tired." She has a three-year-old and a six-month-old, and anyone with kids knows how tired she must be, even if her daughters are angels. At the same time, she's thinking about applying for a job at a sound studio...she's the kind of woman who will make it happen one way or another; I definitely believe that. If not this sound studio job, something else equally interesting...she just has that solidity about her; she's both extremely dynamic and extremely practical, which are two qualities that don't usually merge in one human. She can move mountains.
So what about me? I can move piles of junk around in my house so they don't look quite so awful.
Did I mention that I feel down in the dumps?
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