Today was such a low-energy day it's hardly even worth it to write. I could have committed hara-kiri in the snack aisle of our local Safeway, I was so bored at that particular moment and had so many groceries to buy...managed to run three miles, but at a slower pace than I'd's raining a lot these days, which is wonderful, but adds to the feeling that seems to have overtaken the whole family, this long weekend, to whit: let's all just be lazy, and do exactly what we want. My son is coughing again (again!) so it makes it easy (again) to indulge him a little...he's gotten a lot of computer time this weekend, though he did get out for a short hike today with his dad.
I'm looking at cabins in the Sierras, not because we are seriously thinking about buying at the moment, but because it serves as a mini-escape...and my husband is reading books about World War II. That has been our weekend, so far...tomorrow though, determined to take my son ice skating, edit two stories (am down to the last five), clean the house more seriously than I've cleaned it for a while, and (if the rain lets up tomorrow) get on my bike, even for a short ride.
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